Dr. Preeti Shukla1 , Dr. B. Rajkumar2 , Dr. Akanksha Bhatt3 1 (Post Graduate Student, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, BBD University, Lucknow ,Uttar Pradesh, India) 2 (Professor & HOD, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Babu Banarasi Das College of Dental Sciences, BBD University, Lucknow ,Uttar Pradesh, India) 3 (Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Babu Banarasi Das College ofDental Sciences, BBD University, Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh, India) Corresponding Author: Dr. Preeti Shukla.
Abstract:The main aim of the root canal preparation is to remove the infected debris and residual pulp tissues.
Shaping the root canal provides more efficient disinfection by creating a reservoir for irrigants and
medicaments and also provide space for canal filling. Stainless steel files are less flexible and tends to result in
procedural errors. To minimize these errors coronal enlargement and the prior creation of glide paths should
be done.
Recently Ni-Ti rotary path files were introduced which are more flexible and cause less aberrations. In this
study we have compared the apical canal transportation with two rotary path files system and hand stainless
steel file system using computed tomography.
Thirty freshly extracted mandibular premolar teeth were divided into three different groups consisting of ten
samples in each group. Each group were scanned using SOMATOM DEFINITION 60032, Germany digital
imaging (spiral CT with 128 slices) for pre-instrumentation dimensions. Then the respective groups were
subjected to bio- mechanical preparation with hand stainless steel K-files and rotary path files.
For all the groups irrigation was done with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, 0.9% saline after use of each file with a
disposable syringe and glyde was used as a lubricant before and after use of each file.
After bio mechanical preparation, each group were further scanned with CT for post instrumentation canal
The data from the CT scan was tabulated pre and post in each group with measurement from buccal, lingual,
mesial and distal sides at apical level. The values were statistically analysed and conclusion were drawn from
the study that stainless steel hand K-files have got higher mean transportation as compared to rotary path files.
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