Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry , that simplistically speaking ,alters the positions of the irregular teeth and aligns them in an stable, functional and esthetic position. It has been around for more than a century and is one of the oldest dental branches.
The philosophy of Orthodontics though, often thought of as focused on esthetics, is actually based on the sound principles of improving the functionality of the teeth and jaw during chewing or even at rest.
Orthodontists are part of the team for repair of cleft palate and cleft lip because the conditions are syndrome associated and patients often have mal-aligned and missing teeth too.
There are those who experience an intense pain the jaw due to habits of clenching or bruxism which are exacerbated during stress. Here too Orthodontics comes in handy by providing a splint therapy to help these patients.
The branch specifically emphasises on proper and timely diagnosis of disorders. The treatment modalities can differ from mild to severe ,short term to long term depending on when the problem was first seen.
Growing children ,are like wet sand and can be molded easily, it is so during Orthodontic treatment as well. The inherent growth potential of the jaw structures is harnessed to guide the jaw into proper position. The branch that deals with such treatment is Functional Orthodontics.
In adults, where the growth has been lost, the treatment varies from closing the spaces between the teeth and in cases where spaces are insufficient ,creating a space by extraction of the teeth to correct the crowding.
The truth is that even in this day and age many people prefer avoiding an extraction. For such patients other alternatives such as expanding the arches to create space can be explored, but this too has it’s limit.
It is a science, that is executed artistically ,but it too has to respect the the biology of the body ,which limits the possibilities. Yet, Orthodontists remain unlettered and are constantly pushing these boundaries.
In recent times ,use of esthetic brackets and wires that are less visible than the conventional metal brackets has been popularised. The used of aligner systems which are patient dependent for successful execution is on the rise. Also as we merge with technology customised wires are being designed according to the patient needs and for bringing about more calculated and precise tooth movement. The result is that as opposed to conventional treatment that took about two years to complete, the newer treatments can be completed in about 1 year.
Orthodontics is a dynamic branch that is being explored for over a century ,but like the rare earth mineral stores of our planet ,it still has a lot more to offer. One thing that has not changed over the past century is the approach to make the treatment more efficient, less time consuming and more patient friendly.
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