A Few fun facts about Deutsch(German)
It is the fourth most popular foreign language after English,French and Mandarin .
Germans are innovators, Gutenberg's Printing press,Ehrlich's Chemotherapy,Hertz for Electromagnetic waves and Brandenburg's MP3 music format .
If you are a World Traveler surely you will encounter Germans wherever you go.
eight books out of ten are published in german,only twenty percent are translated into other languages.Only a knowledge of german will give you access to these vast majority of knowledge.
Deutschland ist das "Land der Dichter und Denker".
Goethe,Kafka and Hermann are few internationally famous authors.
Modern German and modern English both have common origin from Germanic.
Like German students, foreign students directly enrolled in German Universities do not have to pay tuition fees.
Mein Sohn hat braunes Haar.Er ist intelligent. Er studiert Zahnarzt in Berlin.Er kann gut singen..If you understand this you have learnt Deutsch.
Normalerweise the German alphabet has 26 letters just like English, there are also four additional letters in the German language: ä, ö, ü and ß. If you count these, this brings the count up to 30 letters.
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