Rehabilitation of the edentulous mouth with artificial teeth is probably the most ancient and the most practised component of dental therapy .Over the ages ,this basic building block has afforded the foundation eternal advancement of the art and science of this therapy .From investigation into the physiologic phenomenon guiding principles and practises of treatment to prospecting future possibilities and practises of treatment to prospecting future then, is the effort of today to improve tomorrow. It is almost imperative now to revisit concepts and algorithms of understanding the human body in health and disease and question their validity against the present database and information and alter thought and action wherever necessary.
Widening the base of treatment forms to give an ultimate face to the discipline such that it coalesces with other specialities to elevate the standards of patient care, is another prime objective. Concomitantly training of future specialists would have to be overhauled.
Outreach to population who face impediments in accessing treatment facility or respond slowly, must be designed to render improved research and patient care beneficial to the responders. Research behind closed doors and erudite discussions are meaningless without the accrual of positive outcome for the ultimate target - the patient.
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