Candidiasis is an infection, caused by Candida ( Albicans, generally ) a yeast or fungus. They usually affect vaginal, oral, or cutaneous levels, thus vaginal but also oral candidiasis is very common. These infections affect the surface and mucosa, causing inflammation, irritation, and discomfort Very common in many women, and small infections are very common, sometimes without even realizing it, since many times they are part of the same bacterial flora in the vagina or the digestive system.
POSSIBLE REASONS CAUSING CANDIDIASIS For different reasons, the number of Candida can increase, such as a decrease in the capacity of the immune system or even when antibiotics have been taken for some time. Diabetes can also lead to greater chances increase to suffer candidiasis. And likewise, during pregnancy, it is quite common to suffer from this infection. The increase in these fungi compared to bacteria causes the so-called yeast infection. To increase the number of Candida against the rest of the bacterial flora: When the level of blood sugar increases, since it is the “favorite food of these yeasts”, that is why it is usually frequent in diabetes. The use of external products will act as destroyers of the bacterial flora and will depress the immune system in general. The antibiotics act against bacteria, they grow without competition. Elements such as chlorine or fluorine also reduce bacterial flora. Vitamin B6 deficiency, an increase in cortisol, also depresses the immune system. SOME SYMPTOMS IN THE ORAL MUCOSA They appear mainly on the oral mucosa and on the tongue. They appear as soft whitish lesions. They become irritated and can even bleed when ulcers form. It is important to point out that babies can suffer from this infection. Also known as Muguet. VAGINAL Obviously this infection with this name will only be suffered by women, although men can also suffer from this infection, which we will also classify within this section. TREATMENT Although for vaginal candidiasis, the topical treatment ( or external ) of the lesson is usually antifungals in the form of creams or ovules, as oral treatment a single dose of fluconazole is prescribed. The probiotic and prebiotic are very effective both preventive and curative. During pregnancy, if there is a candida infection, it must be treated quickly, during childbirth of the baby can become infected, but it is completely natural and will naturally disappear.
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