Objective of practice: Non-partial method of examination to give the students an amicable and comfortable environment in order to elicit best out of each student.
Context: The questions designed for the viva cards had to be almost at par with each other and regular corrections and updations are required according to latest researches and additions in the syllabus. Questions for dental anatomy, dental histology, and oral pathology had to be made separately and an equal division of each chapter had to be incorporated so that the students study complete subject thoroughly.
Practice: Introduction of viva cards and their incorporation into the examination will instill a sense of unbiased and crystal-clear method of examination amongst students. Also, questions in the viva card are multiple choice which will further help the students to have a practice of answering such questions which will again help them to clear other competitive examinations which are based of such objective type of questions. Also using viva cards with MCQs would also slightly lighten the otherwise stressful environment of the examination.
Evidence of success: Since the incorporation of viva cards for viva voice examinations the marks given by external examiner improved thus enhancing the highest percentage graph in DA/DH as well as oral pathology. Also, students gave good feedback regarding this method.
Problems encountered & resources required: Preparation of viva cards required huge question bank and thorough review of all staff time and again in order to devise a set of questions so that maximum benefit can be given to students.