Chief Complaint:
A 16-year-old male patient reported to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Saraswati dental college and hospital , Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India with a chief complaint of discoloured tooth in the lower front region of jaw since 2 years.
History of present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years back and now gives history of discoloured tooth in the mandibular anterior region of jaw. Patient also gives history of trauma due to falling on ground while running 2.5 years back.Patient gives negative history of pain and swelling.
Investigation: Intraoral periapical
Hematological investigations: CBC, RBS
Diagnosis: Peri apical Abscess i.r.t 31, 41
Treatment Plan: Initially Root canal treatment was done i.r.t.31. Since there was no healing observed, therefore apicectomy was planned subsequently for 31,41.
Conclusion: Based on the contemporary understanding, assessment, and subsequent treatment, apicoectomy procedures have greatly improved. Advancements in apicoectomy armamentaria and materials have enabled dentists to treat challenging cases with much greater efficacy. The surgical technique, which has been, applied in this case i.e. apicoectomy, was appropriate and the results were satisfactory.