A 24 year old female patient reported to the Department of Orthodontics with a chief complaint of missing tooth in the upper front region of the jaw since childhood. Patient had no relevant pre-natal, natal, or post-natal history. On clinical examination, patient had peg shaped laterals and a class I molar relation on both sides. The main concern of the patient was regarding esthetics hence the treatment was planned accordingly. Diagnostic aids were recorded as a part of treatment regime which included alginate impressions and radiographs(lateral cephalogram and OPG). On radiographic analysis it was revealed that the patient had an impacted left central incisor in the palate which was the reason for her missing tooth. Since it was an interdisciplinary case, both Periodontics and Oral and Maxillofacial departments were present during the treatment plan. It was decided to raise the flap with a single incision and expose the impacted teeth, followed by placing an extension on the exposed surface and connecting it to an E-chain and then engaging it to the main arch wire. With time(8-9 months) the impacted incisor was aligned in the arch. Class I molar relation was maintained till the end of treatment period and retention was given for a period of 6 months to prevent any relapse. The patient was satisfied with the treatment results.