The normal color of permanent teeth is grayish yellow, grayish white, or yellowish white. Alterations or changes in the color may be physiologic or pathologic and endogenous or exogenous in nature . The color of teeth is determined by the translucency and thickness of the enamel, the thickness and color of the underlying dentin, and the color of the pulp . Tooth color reveals many things such as people’s oral health, good and bad habits and their age, etc. There are many reasons for teeth discolorations proper clinical evaluation and history taking is important to know the etiology responsible for tooth discoloration and the degree of discoloration Tooth discoloration is seen due to extrinsic or intrinsic stains. The most non invasive and conservative treatment for these stains is tooth bleaching Tooth whitening became one of the mostly used and performed cosmetic dentistry procedures There are several methods available such as brushing, bleaching strips, bleaching pen, bleaching gel and laser bleaching.
Chief complaint
:A 20 year old female patient with chief complaint of dark brown teeth reported to the department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and desired to get the teeth to be treated for esthetic purpose.
Patient gave history of discolored teeth since childhood.
On clinical examination
Brownish discoloration of upper anterior and lower anterior teeth
Treatment plan and procedure
Clinical photographs were taken before starting the procedure.
The teeth to be treated were cleaned and dried.
Liquid Dam (Gingival barrier) was applied and cured for gingival protection and isolation.
For this patient, Pola Office was chosen as bleaching agent. Equal part of bleaching gel and powder was taken and mixed until thick homogeneous mixture was formed and applied over teeth using applicator tip
Photo curing of bleaching agent was done using bleaching light unit for 8 min. Three cycles of 8 minutes were performed in the same appointment. Then bleaching agent was removed using air water syringe and suctioned then the final polishing was done with fluoride toothpaste and rubber cups
Postoperative clinical photographs were taken and patient was discharged after giving postoperative instructions. The patient was recalled after 1 week for evaluation of result. Patient noticed marked improvement in tooth color & patient was satisfied with final result