Furcal perforation is usually an undesired complication that can occur during preparation of endodontic access cavities or exploring canal orifice of multirooted teeth.The purpose of this case report was to describe the treatment of two furcal perforation using MTA in molar teeth. The perforations were cleaned with NaOCl and saline solution and sealed with MTA without internal matrix.
Chief complaint
pain in lower left back tooth region since 1 month
History: N/R
Investigation: N/R
Irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis
Perforation was detected clinically and radiographically after the removal of caries from the grossly carious tooth.
Hemorrhage was controlled with copious irrigation with 1% sodium hypochlorite.
Canals were located and the working lengths were determined. Canals prepared with crown down technique and obturated using Gutta percha points using lateral condensation technique .
The perforation is sealed with mineral trioxide aggregate-sterile saline paste mixed according to the manufacturer's direction.A cotton pellet was then placed in the pulp chamber to produce a humid ambient for the MTA with the aim of achieving its solidification, and the tooth was temporary filled with Cavit temporary restoration material.
The patient returned to the hospital three days later with no symptoms or signs.
Temporary sealing materials and the wet cotton pellet were removed and the hardness of the MTA was gently tested with an operative explorer. The remaining cavity was filled with GIC . And the patient was kept on follow up for 15 days.
MTA has the potential as a material for repair of furcal perforation.