Chief Complaint: A 17-year-old female patient reported to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Saraswati Dental College and Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India with the chief complaint of fractured and discoloured tooth in the upper front region of jaw since 2 years.
History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years back and gives history of trauma to the front tooth due to falling from stairs that leads to fracture of right maxillary central incisor immediately and gradual discolouration of the same tooth with time. The patient reports having experienced pain and bleeding gums after the trauma for which he took some medication from general physician, but presently has no longer any discomfort. Patient also gives negative history of any swelling in the same region.
Clinical Investigations: Upon inspection, discoloured and fractured tooth was seen i.r.t 11. On palpation there was no swelling and tenderness in labial vestibule. Tenderness on percussion was absent i.r.t 11. The pulp vitality test returned a negative result.
Radiographic Investigations: Intraoral Periapical X-Ray i.r.t 11 suggested no periapical radiolucency
Diagnosis: Elli’s Class IV fracture i.r.t 11