Tobacco addiction even though known to all as a menace, yet successfully manages to fiercely clinch thousands of innocent lives into its mesh. Tobacco is the only legal drug sold and available freely in the market that kills many of its users. Smoking is relatively more prevalent among the middle and upper socio-economic classes or in other words among the productive group of the country as compared to smokeless form i.e. gutka, pan masala, snuff, pan, etc. though it differs from place-to-place, region-to-region, and country-to-country.
The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced. It has been estimated that tobacco (smoking & smokeless) currently accounts for about 7 million death across the world and more than one million in India (one in every 6 seconds).
Researches Done
- Evaluation of taste perceptions in subjects consuming areca nut (gutka) & with osmf.
- Effect on resting whole mouth salivary flow rate and salivary PH in chronic arecanut and tobacoo chewers with or without potentially malignant oral disorder.
- To determine changing trends in consumption of smokeless tobacco with or without areca nut and its effect on population: A Lucknow based study.
- Perception of the dentists towards tobacco usage and its effect, its successful cessation and intervention in a dental institute: A challenge well accepted.
Researches Ongoing
Effect on resting whole mouth salivary flow rate and salivary PH in chronic arecanut and tobacoo chewers with or without potentially malignant oral disorder
Evaluation of taste perceptions in subjects consuming areca nut(gutka) & with OSMF
To determine changing trends in consumption of smokeless tobacco with or without areca nut and its effect on population: A Lucknow based study
Evaluation of hsCRP and Lipid Profile Levels Among Smokers: A Comparative Study
Short Studies
Perception of the dentists towards tobacco usage and its effect, its successful cessation and intervention in a dental institute: a challenge well accepted