SDC-IDA-SW with Saraswati Dental College & Hospital, Lucknow organized an Awareness & Diagnostic camp in the village with proper social distancing and sterilization protocol. The awareness program on the prevention of COVID-19, harmful effects of tobacco and oral hygiene was organized for rural population in Papnamau village (Dist. Barabanki) on 30-4-22.
Dental screening with awareness & anti-tobacco campaign was preceded. 73 individuals were screened in the camp. Apart from dental health, we focused to create awareness against COVID- 19. Participation of youth in upliftment of the community health plays a significant role which was organized in co-ordination with National Service Scheme, Red Cross Society, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, Indian Dental Association and Saraswati Dental College, Lucknow. Four Dental students and one faculty members participated in the camp.
This awareness programme was one of the many free social events organized by Saraswati Dental College. The response by school students was very encouraging. The hospitality was extended to our team by the organizers. Camp was successfully organized under the guidance of Dr Pallavi Singh (Reader) (Community convenor, SDC-IDA-SW) and 4 Interns Shreya, Madhav, Divya, Varsha (all, Member of SDC-IDA-SW)